Leadership Experience plus Coaching Competence

After about two decades in management positions, I am very familiar with professionally and personally challenging situations in sandwich positions.


I have been responsible for various corporate functions and have reported directly to top management: both in the head office and from branches, both at home and abroad, in line and project, in different market phases from growth to restructuring and also in phases of radical internal transformation.


In such situations, I was also able to benefit from experienced business coaches who accompanied me - be it in challenging leadership situations "in the rough and tumble" or when starting out in new leadership roles: for "the first 100 days" on board.


About ten years ago, I decided to offer my extensive experience and expertise to managers in such key positions as a business coach and advisor. As your partner, I support you in achieving your goals and taking your leadership skills to the next level: for confident leadership in your self-leadership and in your leadership of others.



around 10 years in coaching and advisory

  • Certified Senior Coach and member of IOBC and DBVC - the leading association in the German-speaking world focusing on business coaching and leadership
  • Certified Systemic Coach (Professio GmbH)
  • Certified Transactional Analysis Consultant and member of DGTA/EATA
  • Certified consultant "Reflector Big Five Personality" (pi Company)

  • Selected further professionalisations on:
    Decision-making, self-leadership and self-management, resource activation, stress management and resilience, emotion regulation, cognitive psychology, neurocoaching, personality analysis and development, communication psychology, rhetoric, storytelling, conflict regulation and conflict coaching, influence and power, lateral leadership, negotiation, organisational analysis and cultural design, strategy development

  • Lectureships on Leadership and Transformation at Leuphana University Lüneburg


around 20 years in management

  • Working and living in Germany and abroad (Hamburg, Scandinavia/Copenhagen and USA/New York) as Regional Head and with internationally distributed teams and intercultural issues

  • As Global Head, responsibility for and expertise in core functions (strategy, controlling, finance, reorganisation/restructuring)

  • Experience in the management of major projects (corporate culture and mission statement, strategy, controlling, reorganisation, merger, spin-off)

Certified Senior Coach DBVC
Certified Senior Coach IOBC
Certified TA-Berater EATA and DGTA

What you will get

The puzzle piece that is immediately needed!

Specific and sustainable

  • I am concerned both with what you can use immediately to cope with your current situation and what will bring you forward sustainably and substantially.

  • Respectfully listening, clarifyingly questioning, constructively confronting, I also encourage you to reflect on "blind spots". And I support you in making things easier for yourself in the long term by changing unfavourable emotional and cognitive patterns.

  • coaching closely follow current trends, know tried and tested concepts and transparently use suitable methods in coaching.
We meet in partnership at eye level

Partnership at eye level

  • As a coach, I support you in further developing what is important to you and what makes you stand out. This also involves discovering and developing previously unused resources and thus expanding the scope of action for yourself and your company.

  • As a advisor, I also provide you with content-related impulses in the development of ideas and approaches to solutions in the concrete management of your issues.

  • And I am available to you as a sparring partner in preparing and practising upcoming situations.

Wir beachten ihre Rahmenbedingungen und ihr Netzwerk

Effective implementation

  • I support you in being effective through successful communication and interaction with top management, with your leaders and teams and also at your management level.

  • Together we look for new ways to provide helpful impulses for the further development of the framework conditions in your organizational sphere of influence.

  • In addition, I advise you on developing effective and responsible steps and strategies to deal with anticipated conflicts and their dynamics.

Find out whether I am the right coach for you!

Contact me for a non-binding initial consultation.

I look forward to meeting you!


"We can't change the wind, but we can set the sails differently."



Dr. Christof Domrös

Flemingstr. 4

22299 Hamburg

+49 40 39 89 44 40

kontakt (at) christofdomroes.com

DBVC - Zertifizierter Senior Coach
IOBC - Zertifizierter Senior Coach
DGTA - Zertifizierter TA-Berater

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